Edit a form (studies with RDC monitoring)
Forms with an incomplete status can be modified after creation ('edit'). Forms with a complete status can only be modified when there are no pending CRA queries and the form is not source data verified by the Monitor. If modifications need to be done on a complete form with pending CRA queries and/or a complete form that is not ticked as source data verified, the form should first be sent.
Data reported on forms that have been sent to the EORTC database can no longer be modified directly in the system (only 'view'). In case data needs to be modified on 'sent' forms, please Create an electronic Data Correction. These corrections will be implemented by the EORTC Data Manager.
Edit an unsent form
Once a form is created you can enter the data requested. Answer each question by typing your answer in the field allocated to the question or by selecting the answer.
Activate the cursor in the answer field by clicking on it. You can go through the questions by either using the TAB button on your keyboard or by repositioning the cursor with your mouse. You can go through radiobuttons answers by using the arrow keys.
Answer fields in the RDC forms have 2 levels of reporting importance.
- Mandatory data
- Other data
Mandatory data
The requested data may not remain empty.
- You can save a form as incomplete when mandatory data is missing
- The form can be set to a complete status if all mandatory data have been completed: if you try to save a form as complete when mandatory data is missing, a warning message will appear under the fields which need to be completed before the form can be saved as complete (see example below).
Other data
These data can not always be completed because:
- The requested information is not yet available
e.g. "Date of first documented progression of disease" remains empty on the follow-up form until progression was diagnosed. - The requested information is conditional to the answer of another variable
e.g. for treatment information: only if there was a modification done, you'll have to provide the reason for this modification. If no modification was done, this box should stay empty. - The data is not applicable
e.g. Some lab values can be entered in 2 units, only one box has to be completed.