Order forms for a structured view

Order forms for a structured view

In each table of all the tabs (except the 'Trail' tab) the forms can be ordered by the following:

  • Form code: the reference number/letter code of the form (e.g. form '4' laboratory form/form 'LBHEM' hematology form)
  • Name: the name of the form (e.g. Adverse event form)
  • Class. date: the classification date of the form (this is a date on the form that is used for the identification in the system, e.g. the classification date of the Follow-Up form, is the date last known to be alive).
  • Last Modif. (in tab 'Incomplete' and 'Complete'): the date on which the last modification was done
  • Sent (in tab 'Sent' and 'Queries'): the date the form was sent

To order the forms within a table according to one of the above-mentioned criteria, click on the related table headers.


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