Overview (studies with paper queries)

Overview (studies with paper queries)

VISTA Remote Data Capture (VISTA RDC) is used for the completion of most case report forms. These forms will be accessible from the EORTC website and have to be completed on-line (https://rdc.eortc.be). The system allows remote users to have access to the EORTC VISTA patient clinical database.

Note: Some CRF (e.g. pathology form, Quality of Life, SAE, etc.), could still have to be completed on paper. Please check for each study which forms (if any) need to be completed on paper. All other forms will have to be completed on-line.

For further information regarding the timepoints of completion of the case report forms please refer to the study specific guidelines for CRF COMPLETION.

The EORTC VISTA-RDC system provides an electronic version of the CRFs and will enable you to enter and edit data on-line and, once completed, to directly transfer the data into the EORTC clinical database. Sent forms stay visible and accessible in VISTA RDC.
After the data transfer, the data reported on the Case Report Forms will be reviewed and validated by the EORTC Data Manager. In case of missing or contradictory data, queries will be raised (per patient) in order to obtain consistent data. If queries are generated, they will be sent to you in PDF format, by e-mail. You should print this form, answer the questions on the printed query form, sign and date it and return it to EORTC.

Queries requesting an overdue form will result in a 'requested form' appearing on the 'blank' tab (see Forms status (studies with paper queries)).

VISTA RDC is NOT used to register, enroll or randomize patients. For the registration, enrollment or randomization of your patient, please go to: http://orta.eortc.be (via Internet at anytime). An ORTA user guide is available on the weblink.

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