How to recover a deleted files in OneDrive
If you accidentally delete a file, not all hope are lost as you have not one but 2 recycle bin.
If you on purpose click on "empty my recycle bin" in the first recycle bin, files are not going to the second stage recycle bin. They moved to the second stage after being a long time in the first recycle bin
First stage recycle bin
It's the main one.
How to acces it?
Open Onedrive on your web browser
In the left part, click on "recycle bin"
You will see this screen
Click on the file you want to restore and click on "restore"
Second stage recycle bin
If your recycle bin look like that, still some hope
Click on the link "Second-stage recycle bin" at the bottom of the screen
Select the files you want to recover and click on restore
If the second stage recycle bin is empty, please contact IT, we still can retrieve some data in the back up