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If you use this option, you will have to provide a 6-digits code or press the “approve” button to access your account. This 6-digits have a life-span of 30 seconds.


First, install the Microsoft authenticator app. I Authenticator for android- Authenticator for Apple



If it’s the first time you activate the MFA, go directly to “Scan the QR code” as the process below is to change the process.

Go yo your security info page:

Click on “add method”.


Select "Authenticator app" and click on “ADD”


Install first the application on your smartphone. Authenticator for android- Authenticator for Apple When done, select the “next” button


on the PC, some information is provided on how to use the app. Click “next”

Scan QR code

A QR code is shown on the screen


Launch the Authenticator app.,Click on the 3 dots and select “add an account”. in the type of account, select “work account” And Scan the QR code


The app give you a code.

Go back to the computer


Select “next”


Open the notification and click on “approve “ on your smartphone. Or type the 6 digits code provided by your smartphone on your computer
